Thursday, December 15, 2011

December 2011

So not only is Frankie crawling but is standing pulling herself up by herself and taking small steps slow down kiddo. She's started sounding out Mama and Pappa and lots of sounds now.

We spent the weekend in Delmenhorst enjoying the xmas markets , swimming and just relaxing with Olaf`s parents. We do love it there.

Evie´s really interested in her world now asking lots of questions in German of course, like who lives there? and her favorite is whats your name who she asks everyone we walk past. She's really polities asking me all the time if she's allowed to do something . Im quite taken back by this polite little girl Im getting to learn.

Its all about her imaginary world at the moment which we are loving. Today we played Picnics, and we have been spending allot of time in her boat sailing to Australia, and looking at all the whales and dolphins and Sharks.

It this sick time of year both kids have fevers at the moment and a cough, Im trying hard to let them get better on there own, not so bad they are both happy and playful.

Evie´s coming out with a new christmas song everyday, this kid has such a memory well Im sure all kids are better at remembering things then us. SO nice to hear her sing. I love it.

Now we just need to get her starting sport or dancing soon she has so much energy and this indoor living is not so great for getting out energy.

So we are looking forward to Christmas and Santa coming Evies sent a mail to Santa asking for a Pink Kitchen and pink stars. Im very excited to see whats Santas going to bring.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Australian Trip November 2011

SO I had to go back to Australia for my little brother Garys wedding unfortunately i couldnt bring Evie with me as I was traveling alone. It was really hard to go without Evie she was quite upset at times so I heard. Her Opa asked her why she was so sad and she said she was waiting for her Mama. It was quite emotional when I saw her again.

It was quite strange bringing Frankie as she was the exact same age Evie was when we left two years ago.Everyone kept calling her Evie .

SO Frankies quite the little charmer smiling and laughing at everyone on the plane, she also got her first two teeth in Australia has started to crawl as well as starting to pull herself up by herself.

She's giving big sloppy kisses now and also sucking on your lip every chance she can get.

Frankie loved the beach at first it was a bit cold and shock but I think every kid loves to eat sand when ever they can.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

October In Hamburg

My little girl Evie is turning into such a little lady trying on dresses and Im actually having fun too.

Frankie is well getting more and more active now and is still as Happy as Ever. Looking forward to our trip to Australia o Friday, only a bit sad that Evie can't come with us. Ill miss her .

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Evie 2 and 1/2 & Frankie 6 months old in Norway

So we had a lovely time in Norway, Olaf and I managed to get away for a night on our own and the kids stayed with Dad and Mazz and Heidi and Frank.

Frankie has so many developmental milestones in one month, she's now sitting,starting to move on the floor, she's eating so much now and sleeping through the night. She's started talking well not talking baby talk lots of sounds, she doesn't want to be left on her own at the moment and gets very upset when you take a toy away from her.Still a very very happy baby as you can see from the pictures.

Evie,s well let me say, awesome and so hard work at the moment, lots of tantrums and setting her will.Big challenges but she's just trying to establish who she is.

Evies started speaking allot of english although the grammar is German grammar , ex Frankie is sleeping not.

Evie is very mummy mummy at the moment which i don't mind t all, just another phase.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Frankie 4 months , Evie 2 and 4 months

So the girls are growing up and keeping me busy, Frankie`s eating some food now ,what she keeps in her mouth. Evies loving riding her little bicycle and lovs being big sister to Frankie . Ive started working again and Frankie has started at Monkey Haus. Frankie can roll now back to front and front to back as well as grabbing her feet.