Sunday, October 9, 2011

Evie 2 and 1/2 & Frankie 6 months old in Norway

So we had a lovely time in Norway, Olaf and I managed to get away for a night on our own and the kids stayed with Dad and Mazz and Heidi and Frank.

Frankie has so many developmental milestones in one month, she's now sitting,starting to move on the floor, she's eating so much now and sleeping through the night. She's started talking well not talking baby talk lots of sounds, she doesn't want to be left on her own at the moment and gets very upset when you take a toy away from her.Still a very very happy baby as you can see from the pictures.

Evie,s well let me say, awesome and so hard work at the moment, lots of tantrums and setting her will.Big challenges but she's just trying to establish who she is.

Evies started speaking allot of english although the grammar is German grammar , ex Frankie is sleeping not.

Evie is very mummy mummy at the moment which i don't mind t all, just another phase.

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