SO I had to go back to Australia for my little brother Garys wedding unfortunately i couldnt bring Evie with me as I was traveling alone. It was really hard to go without Evie she was quite upset at times so I heard. Her Opa asked her why she was so sad and she said she was waiting for her Mama. It was quite emotional when I saw her again.
It was quite strange bringing Frankie as she was the exact same age Evie was when we left two years ago.Everyone kept calling her Evie .
SO Frankies quite the little charmer smiling and laughing at everyone on the plane, she also got her first two teeth in Australia has started to crawl as well as starting to pull herself up by herself.
She's giving big sloppy kisses now and also sucking on your lip every chance she can get.
Frankie loved the beach at first it was a bit cold and shock but I think every kid loves to eat sand when ever they can.
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