Saturday, September 1, 2012

Summertime is Sunshine!!!!

The last month we have fantastic weather here in Northern Germany. Sunshine has filled the house everyday. The kids have been playing outside and making most of the warmth, getting there cloths off. Evie really getting into Kindergarden now and is coming into herself there, She´s very tired at the end of the day from all the wonderful activites they are doing. Frankie also loves going to Monkey haus and stands a the door in the morning waiting to get here shoes and socks on. Frankies new words for this month are More and mehr, and mein, Mama and Papa and thats about it. But we all understand her. Evie´learning from the other kids at Kindi and says , Man oh Man and things like das ist Kool.very funny , oh and she called me a Dumme Kuhe , which means Im a dum Cow I did´nt really app
reciate that one but Im sure theres much worse to come. We were on the train yesterday and she yelled out look theres a really fat man, in German so everyone on the train understands, moments like these are always fun and Im sure there will be many more embarrassing things up to come. The girls are really starting to love each other and hate each other, fighting over everything. But when they wake up in the morning they give eachother big kisses and hugs. mmmmmmwah says Frankie. very cute.

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