Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Little Ladies

So the last few weeks have been an interesting roller coaster for us and the kids. Olaf and I decided to do a detox which basically cut out anything processed, sugar and Alcohol for two months and we have been dealign with the side effects for the last weeks. Aggghhhh. Not so easy on us and the kids, but we are eventually coming out the other side of the not so nice effects and feeling allot better. This week the kids have been totally relaxed and sooo cute. Im laughing constantly at them. Yesterday the girls walked home from Kindi holding hands the whole way home was very cute. Evie´s really is showing her self independence wanting to do everything by herself. Brushing her teeth by herself, getting dressed , tyeing knots. She even wants to help Frankie put her shoes on, wow its so nice only having to get one kid ready. Frankie has started signign for More which is hilarious because she can already say more , I showed her months ago the sign and shes started signing this week. Evies really feeling at home at Kindi now and loves going . Frankie too is so excited in teh morning to go out of the house. Evie is perfecting her Princess drawings and completely obsessed with the word Poops which means Fart in English. Shes thinks its hilarious calling everyone poops head.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Summertime is Sunshine!!!!

The last month we have fantastic weather here in Northern Germany. Sunshine has filled the house everyday. The kids have been playing outside and making most of the warmth, getting there cloths off. Evie really getting into Kindergarden now and is coming into herself there, She´s very tired at the end of the day from all the wonderful activites they are doing. Frankie also loves going to Monkey haus and stands a the door in the morning waiting to get here shoes and socks on. Frankies new words for this month are More and mehr, and mein, Mama and Papa and thats about it. But we all understand her. Evie´learning from the other kids at Kindi and says , Man oh Man and things like das ist Kool.very funny , oh and she called me a Dumme Kuhe , which means Im a dum Cow I did´nt really app
reciate that one but Im sure theres much worse to come. We were on the train yesterday and she yelled out look theres a really fat man, in German so everyone on the train understands, moments like these are always fun and Im sure there will be many more embarrassing things up to come. The girls are really starting to love each other and hate each other, fighting over everything. But when they wake up in the morning they give eachother big kisses and hugs. mmmmmmwah says Frankie. very cute.

Summer Norway 2012

Another trip to Norway this time Evie went with Oma and Opa for two weeks first then Frankie and I flew to Norway. Unfortunately the weather was´nt so great, We had two really nice days and enjoyed being in the nature with the kids. Evie learnt to ride her bicycle all by herself without training wheels, a huge milestone and Frankie just took in everything like she does. We had lots of fun dancing and drawing and playing games inside the hut when the weather was´nt so nice. We went fishing with Evie , she had loads of fun in the boat.