Sunday, July 14, 2013

And the Fights begin

So the Funniest thing Evie said this month is weir du meine Mutter ist so stark sie kann schon Kinder toten. Which means my mother is so strong she can ill children. Bahhhaaaa. Frankie has really started to be a little chatter boy and copies everything Evies says, her favourite thing to say is Oh Mano and War das ich. Frankie is just as or even more stubborn then Evie and despite her size she does´nt let the bigger kids push her around. This has ben a new phase we are starting into where the girls fight over everything, its pretty intense but they are also learning as well to play with each other well Evie likes to think she´s the boss. June was a busy month we went to Sylt for a holiday , the weather was terrible and camping on Sylt int eh rain and wind is no fun but the girls had a brilliant time.

The Head Shaving

So Evie´s best friend Lola wanted to have a shaved head like Olaf, after a week of Lola´s head being shaved and and Frankie have both wanted to cut all there hair off. Evie asked today again and to be honest I was totally freaked out. I have no idea why I was so hesitant, maybe she will get called a boy or it will look funny or even worse she will regret her decision. Olaf got out the scissors and cut all of Evie´s hair and then shaved it off. Evie was so excited and happy and really relaxed we will see how she feels in the next few days.So maybe we do Frankies tomorrow yikes. My mum is here to visit from Australia and she was also having a little freak out. Its really nice having Mum here speaking english with the girls and reading them lot´s of books in English. Frankies holidays finish today and she is back at Kindi tomorrow and I must admit quite relieved, I feel like I have got nothing done in the last few weeks. Mum here for another few weeks and summer is really great this year hopefully there will a few more month of sunshine.