Friday, November 16, 2012

Winter is Here!

So after two weeks of sick kids and temper tantrums things are finally looking a little postive again. Winter has really set in was 2 degrees and all the snow gear was on the kids today brrr.. Evies showing her strong charakteristics at the moment ,I must say its not easy with Evie . Shes very determined and stubborn at the same time .In other ways shes completley helpfull and interested, independent and really a nice kid when she´s in good mood. She artistic and has such an amazing imagination. We dance and sing together, shes the princess and Im the Queen mother one of her favourites. She also started being interested in cooking. Its quite difficult for me to let go and let her helpout. Tonight we made chips together. Evie really suprises me with her observations , today she showed me a picture and said mumma this picture was taken when you were pregnant with me. I was like wow we havent looked at these pictures for a really long time. Of course she was speaking in German as she can´t explain as well in English and she can in German. She loves reasing the Steve Erwin book and I´m explaining to her about death at the moment which I don´t think she quite understands but it´s a really interesting thing. I explained how Steve is no longer with us because he had an accident and how all his family and friends were very sad. She soaks it all in. Frankies starting to talk now and it´s really cute. She says Mehr bitte, which means more please. She knows all the names of the family, Mama , Papa, Oma, Opa, Dorena and Evie. She not as chatty as Evie was but she counts to 3 and understands everything. Frankie is also a very determined little lady and usually kicks up a tantrum when she does´nt get what she wants. Terrible two have already started. The kids are fighting allot, over me, over toys. Evie likes to stir Frankie up by taking whatever she has in her hand. This is not alwys easy to control. BUt other times they feed eachother or play really well together. Evie and I are spending a girls weekend together which should be allot of fun.