Monday, July 9, 2012

Endlich Summer

We spent a lovely weekend in Delmenhorst for my Birthday, the sun was shining and perfect. The girls absolutely loved running around with all there clothes off. We also went to the Fahhrad Spielplatz a cute farm where they have a cafe and lots of toys for the kids to play with. Evie is now in Norway for 2 weeks and I am really enjoying having Frankie at home , we both are appreciating the time with her , to watch her develop and laugh at all her cute little mannerisms. In the last week she´s blossoming and starting to talk. She understands everything and follows most directions, turn around, take this to the bin. Touch your nose. She's starting saying Tschuss , Hello, Mamma , Pappa, Tiger , Alle alle. We walked down the Langereihe today and she loves exploring the world on foot, although she already knows where the ice-cream shops are . Thats scary.