Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year this year we had a small get together with a few friends some kids , nice food fireworks and a very late night .

The new year started not so easy after we had a long cold wet spell and the kids and us were all sick. So hopefully 2012 is a healthy year for us all.

Frankie is growing up so fast, as you can see by the pictures, she's getting around and starting to show her little personality more and more everyday, getting her third tooth at the moment. She's learnt to clap her hands which makes her very happy and has starting to play more with Evie . It is very cute to watch. And great for us as parents.

Evie is in the peak of her terrible twos , Awesome and terrible at the same time and Im left feeling quite exhausted at the end of the day. Its quite a fight at the moment to put clothes on, get ready and leave the house and some days Im feeling totally finished and we are just out the front door. But at the same time she's so lovely to Frankie and I'm enjoying getting to know all the interesting things in her head. I love children's imagination, we go surfing in her bedroom together scuba diving and also we jump in her bed which her bus . Shes really quite creative and loves building takes after her Pappa , she builds cities and schools above is a picture of Evies city she built with blocks and lego. She loves drawing an everything is her favourite at the moment and she starts asking me what are my favourite things.

XMAS 2011

SO we had a lovely xmas in Delmenhorst together with Olafs parents. This was Evies first real xmas and go to know Santa Claus who came to vista us. Santa brought her a new kitchen which she loves and play with everyday, and makes us dinner and cups of teas. Frankie likes it too.