Well Frankies now 10 weeks and has managed to sleep well not the complete 12 hours but from 11pm until 8am, so Im feeling like a very fresh and well slept Mother.
Evies also sleeping so well until 8am every morning but is starting to go to bed much later but for me the not so good morning person its great.
Evie stayed with ehr aunty Dorena last weekend for the first time while Olaf , I and Frankie went a wedding in Munich. Evie came back so relaxed and happy, shes such a joy to be around both girls are. Frankie was also very relaxed in Munich and we had a really nice time with her , was nice to be able to focus all of our attention on her for a change.
Evies talking the entire day and complete sentences I have to laugh so much. for eg she told Olaf to be careful last night when he was cutting the bread , and asking him to come in the bath and that she will make some roon for him, all in German but very nice.